You are a famous submarine captain. You have been selected to gather artifacts from 5 difrent abysses with world smallest submarine!

wow once again game that uses object collect and timer


move using WASD or Arrows

Take Artifact by pressing SPACE

While in level pressing ESC or TAB you will be sent back to Main menu! (In WebGL use TAB)

pressing ESC in main menu will shit down the game.

Known bugs:

Ofcourse scaleing bug....


Abyssal Artifacts (Gamejam versio).zip 37 MB

Install instructions

1. press the download button

2. Game is now on you file explorers download folder

3. extract the game file

4. turn on the game. It might say that it is from unknown maker, you can just skip that. (You can use antivirus softwares to check it if you want)

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